What Is Rotary?
What would it take to change the world? Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio. The Rotary motto Service Above Self conveys the humanitarian spirit of the organization. Strong fellowship among Rotarians and meaningful community and international service projects characterize Rotary worldwide.

Vision Statement: "Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves."​
​Club members have many opportunities for humanitarian service, both locally and internationally. Service programs address concerns such as health care, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and the environment. Rotarians regularly experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community.
Rotary was founded on fellowship, a cornerstone that continues to attract members today. Rotarians enjoy camaraderie with like-minded professionals, and club projects provide opportunities to develop enduring friendships. Club members who travel have friendly contacts in almost every city of the world.
Rotary sponsors some of the world’s largest exchange and educational programs. Rotary clubs provide innovative training opportunities and mentoring for young leaders, and they involve family members in a wide range of social and service activities.
View a brief video featuring Rotarians from District 7430: Rotary in Action.