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Students of the Month

Program Chair Mark Haldaman presided as local high school seniors received awards including a certificate and a $200 check. Each student will also have their name displayed on a permanent plaque in their respective schools.

January: Imaan Ali, Easton High - Imaan has promoted cultural understanding by founding the Muslim Student Association and the South Asian Student Association in her school. She enjoys basketball and travel. She is currently weighing college opportunities and hopes to get a degree in Computer Science and MIS. She organized a fundraiser that raised nearly $6,000 to help build 15 wells in the northern region of Pakistan.

February: Alexandra Nehme, Notre Dame High - Alexandra was unable to attend.

March: Brielle Reidinger, Wilson High - Brielle has captained the Varsity Basketball team for three years. She is involved with Wilson Buddies which is a group that helps special need students socialize and become included. Her AAU Basketball team participates in bALLers which is a group that runs clinics for special needs players. She is a Volunteer Assistant Leader of a Social group for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She plans to attend Nazareth College to pursue a direct admission Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

April: Ashley S. Reyes, CIT/Easton High - Ashley is a member of the National Technical Honor Society and is enrolled in the Early Childhood Education section of CIT. She is a member of SkillsUSA, volunteers to teach Bible studies at church, and volunteered at the Special Olympics. She is a student intern at Tech Tykes Early Learning Center. She hopes to spend two years at Northampton Community College studying Early Childhood education and then transfer to East Stroudsburg University.

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