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Students of the Month

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Last week featured the popular Students of the Month program. Chair Mark Haldaman and Zack Chase handed out Awards to four High School seniors. The Award consists of a Certificate and a $200 check. Each student will have their name displayed in the lobby of their respective school. The winners are selected by teachers and administrators at the schools.

September: Sara Asif, Easton High - Sara is a relative newcomer at Easton, having studied at the

Lehigh Valley Academy prior to her freshman year. Her introduction to the new school coincided with the COVID shutdown and she spent much of her time online. She became active in her sophomore year and founded the Culinary Culture Association, sharing her Pakistani cuisine with fellow students. She is currently helping to run a fundraiser for breast cancer research and is halfway to her goal of $2,000. She is the school VP of UNICEF and is active with the South Asian Student Association. She hopes to study Nursing at St. Luke's and eventually get a job specializing in Emergency Room Nursing.

October: Jennifer Silfies, Wilson High Jenni is active in a lot of music-related activities, which made for interesting times during the COVID year. She is in the Jazz, Concert, and Marching Bands and she founded a String Ensemble program. She is also active in drama, chorus, and KEY Club. She is in the History Club, the Debate Team, and participates in Scholastic Scrimmage. She will pursue a 4-year degree in Communications and Political science. She hopes to have a career in doing publicity for politicians, or perhaps studying how communications affect politics.

November: Saúl Bracero, CIT & Wilson High - Saúl is a relative newcomer to the area and struggled in school until 10'" grade when he arrived at CIT. There he found a computer networking program where he could excel. His passion is for security and hopes to help companies effectively utilize penetration protection programs. He plans to study Cybersecurity and Computer Science at Northampton Community College. His skills are so advanced that on Fridays at CIT, he becomes the teacher as he teaches his fellow students about the LINUX operating system.

December: Katherine Koons, Notre Dame High - Katie is active on the Cross-Country and Track teams. She is a member of the Student Council and the KEY Club. She is a Leukemia/Lymphoma Society Student Visionary. She hopes to attend the United States Air Force Academy and become either a pilot or an aerospace physiologist. She credits her Cross-Country

experience with the importance of hard work and communication.


Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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