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Rotary Student Exchange

Don Lockard spoke about the District 7430 Rotary Youth Exchange program. Don and Pat have hosted many students over the years. He spoke about the enormous impact and influence the program has on the young people involved. The idea of sharing between countries. The need to respect and understand other cultures. Hosting a student presents unusual challenges. Let’s face it, people are bringing teenagers into their homes. Communication can be difficult as the students’ proficiency in English varies widely. Heavy background checks are needed for host families. The challenges are well worth the effort. Many families connect with these young people for the rest of their lives. Rotary Clubs pay an $800 fee to the District to cover the cost of student orientation and monthly get togethers. Students also receive a monthly stipend. The District Committee reports that there are still 5 students that have not found a host Club. Host families do not have to be Rotarians. The deadline for this year’s exchange is May 15.


Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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