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Miranda Wilcha - Easton Garden Works

Our program featured Miranda Wilcha who serves as the Easton Garden Works Manager for the Greater Easton Development Partnership. The program has seven community urban gardens which are home to plots from 56 families. They produce monthly workshops that are free and open to the public. Topics include beekeeping 101, starting garlic, fall planting, and composting.

An educational outreach program at the West Ward Outdoor Market helped teach residents about nutritious food facts and recipes. Marketgoers went home with pickling kits, plants, seeds, solar-powered pizza ovens, flower crowns, milkcrate gardens, spice blend kits, and seed bombs.

Some of the produce from the gardens gets distributed to local food pantries. The program is always in the market for volunteers and have welcomed Lafayette students, church groups, and individual citizens. Last year there were 1,160 volunteer hours logged. The overall goal is to foster a greener City and promote Easton Pride. They are working on issues such as food security, lack of green spaces, need for pollinators, and biodiversity. Miranda has agreed to provide us with a list of potential projects for the month of April.


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