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Mike Dowd - Rotary Foundation

Easton Rotarian Mike Dowd spoke about the ability to have a positive impact on a community. Within our community are many families that have children with special needs. In 2010, these children had limited opportunities to participate in athletics. Easton Rotary stepped up with a $100,000 pledge to help build a baseball field for those kids. This Spring there will be over 230 kids with special needs playing baseball at Easton Rotary Field. Literacy is of vital importance to the young people in our community.


Unfortunately, many children live in homes with no books, newspapers or magazines. The summer slide makes things even worse. Easton Rotary invests in summer literacy programs every year. Our support over the years of literacy programs at ProJeCt, EASD, Easton YMCA and others have had a positive impact in the lives of countless young people.


Thousands of local families have limited access to high quality foods due to the various food deserts in our communities. Our support of the Kellyn Foundation has enabled many of these families to have access to healthy choices. The mechanism that allows us to continue our community support is our Easton Rotary Service Foundation. Easton Rotarians support this Foundation with contributions including happy dollars, birthday donations, anniversary donations, and support of the Jack Bennett Holiday Classic.


Rotary support goes far beyond our local community and supports countless causes throughout the world. The international impact of Rotary is made possible by the Foundation of Rotary International. Our involvement in polio eradication has led to a 99.9% reduction in cases of polo paralysis. Every year we fund projects in our seven areas of focus including: promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; saving mothers and children; supporting education; growing local economies; protecting the environment.


Mike related how Rotarians stepped in to help after the devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico. They helped rebuild homes and distribute food and water. A youth theater was established to help rebuild the spirit in the community and give local youth an alternative to gangs. There is a Navajo reservation in Arizona that is as big as West Virginia yet has limited or no electricity. A Rotary solar panel program provides not only light, but a world of possibilities. Germany is struggling with immigration as people stream into the country on their flight from oppression. Many immigrants require medical attention. The Rotary Club of Berlin-Tiergarten is helping to address the situation by running a volunteer network that operates in tents, community centers and shelters.


Every second of every day, somebody in the world is having a better time in their life thanks to programs supported by the Foundation of Rotary International. It is amongst the highest rated charities in the world and has received a perfect 4-star rating from Charity Navigator 16 years in a row. Contributing is easy through Many Rotarians arrange for a monthly charge to their credit cards.


Weekly Meeting

First Thursday: 5:30 PM

Location: Varies each month

Other Thursdays: 12:00 Noon
Please check the schedule above for the location.

It will either be on Zoom or in person at

The Pomfret Club
33 South Fourth Street
Easton, PA 18042

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