Easton Rotary has adopted as an ongoing service project the collection of items for local food banks. Every two week we collect food and monetary contributions to distribute to one of the Easton area food banks.
On October 13 we delivered 90 lbs. of food items to the Easton Area Neighborhood Center. Our next collection is Oct. 27 to benefit St. Vincent de Paul Society/St. Janes on Washington St. Their food bank serves approximately 110 families each month. Items requested:
Rice, Hot cereal / Hot oatmeal, Boxed Instant Potatoes, and Pasta...spaghetti, linguine type noodles.
Drop off your items at Metz Co. 2211 Lehigh St. 8.30-4.30. M-F OR at the Easton YMCA 1225 W Lafayette St. We have a large royal blue plastic basket with Rotary sign to drop items in.
If you prefer to donate monies, note Food Bank On your check.
Easton Rotary Foundation
c/o Mike Dowd
25 Chestnut Ridge Circle
Easton. PA. 18042