Our meeting featured a highly entertaining presentation by local authorBill Childs who also serves as a teacher of Advertising Design at LCTI.Bill managed to shrink down 40 years of experience into 20 minutes as heexplained to us why creativity matters. He cited the work of authorRichard Florida who wrote “I call the age we are entering the creative agebecause the key factor propelling us forward is the rise of creativity as theprimary mover of our economy.”
Bill believes that we are born withnatural creativity, but our education system is designed to squash thatcreativity. Our public education system was originally designed to trainpeople to work in factories during the industrial revolution. We are trainedto solve problems in a highly formulaic fashion. Creative problem solvinginvolves deviating from the established norm. He has adopted a three-stepprocess based on the work of Leonardo DaVinci. The steps are:information, incubation, and perspiration.
The incubation period is mostimportant and might entail a break from the project. Too much seriousthought can hamper creativity. Ideas do not flow out of an overactivemind. People can cultivate creativity in a number of ways. First, you canembrace wonderment. Be aware of the fascinating world that surroundsus. Be child-like as if seeing the world for the first time. Have the courageto go beyond the norm. Don’t be afraid that a new and different idea willbe shot down. It is OK to fail. Unplug yourself. Put down the phone andthe computer. Do not watch the news. Give your mind time to rest andopen up.
Finally, learn to embrace change. He showed us how a simple,intriguing ad can be more effective than a traditional overdone ad. The admust be created to engage the imagination of the target audience. Knowwhat you are really selling. For example, don’t just sell LEGO buildingblocks; sell imagination. Bill’s experience led him to the creation of hisbook titled Childs Play which is a guide to help reclaim and harness yourcreative power.